Friday, August 24, 2007


Good Afternoon! It's August here in Chicago and we've had so much rain! Yesterday's storms left visions of city trash cans flying through the air in my head. It was crazy. So it goes ... life in the Midwest.

I'm not feeling particularly blog-like today but considering I have no web site, I thought I better update the general public on what I've been doing lately! ***Also, as a side note, my web site will be complete by mid-September. So please keep checking back!

I've completed two new web sites lately. One is for the Zen Buddhist Temple, here in Chicago. My family and I attend the temple and I wanted to extend my services to their web presence. I'm pretty pleased with the results. We worked together to really re-create a similar web site and just re-organize the information so it was more accessible to the general public. The web site uses scale-able tables so that it extends regardless of browser size.

The second (most recently designed) web site is Darrin Dingman was a referral from Rebecca Kollaras ( I feel so privileged as to work with so many clients that are so pleased with the work I do, they recommend me to all their friends. (***thank you to all of the clients, including Rebecca). This web site was also built for scale-ability. We are using some elements of flash as well.

Stay tuned for much, much more! Thanks for reading, as always.

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